“We’re pregnant!” is a phrase that can be frequently seen as one scrolls through Instagram or facebook nowadays. It seems like baby fever is on this rise, but on the other hand, it seems like more women are opting out of having kids. The percentage of the voluntarily childless is increasing with twenty percent of women ages 40-44 with no children. Double income couples with no kids (DINKS) are better educated on average than their counterparts (pg 471). Pros to no kids include having fewer responsibilities and more money for the couple to spend on themselves. I know a couple who chose not to have kids and they spend their free time traveling the world. There is no need to spend on diapers and baby food and start saving for college. If a woman has kids, then she is responsible for the health and wellbeing of that child and has to raise him or her for a lifetime. However, there are some cons to being voluntarily childless. One is being snubbed by a child-oriented ...